About Us

Hello beautiful people!

I’m a Love Ambassador and a Love Writer currently living in the United States and spreading love around the world.

I'm so glad you're here ❤️


I’m a lover of souls, a lover of words, and I specialize in hugs, hand-holding, encouragement, and reminding people of their value.
I believe in unity, I believe in peace, I believe in energy, and I believe in love.

My family is blended and still growing, beautiful and still messy, and we walk hand in hand through different cultures, different religions, divorce, death, anxiety and panic, depression, health issues, LGBTQ life, grace, kindness, apologies, compassion, celebration, glory, love ... and most of all we show up for each other no matter what.

I’m an expert at feeling alone, buying too many books, second guessing myself but not others, drinking coffee with empathy but not sugar, happy crying, sad crying, and especially crying when no one else is crying.
I love as if our lives depend on it ...
I believe they do.

I created Heart Times Cafe as a way to spread more love to more people in more places at all times.  

I'd be honored to send you love notes if you'd click below to leave your address:

Send me love notes! 


Big Love and Big Hugs,
